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Title Design

Installation demo

Timebath -
Interactive Art Installation
  • Client
  • Project in Agency
  • Role
    Concept, Art Direction, Design
  • Created

"Time Bath" is an interactive installation that delves into the diverse ways individuals perceive time. By reclining in the bathtub and answering a few questions by pressing the "shampoo" button, you'll embark on a unique journey, experiencing the varied flow of time. This immersive experience allows you to explore your own personal relationship with the passage of time, revealing the subjective nature of this fundamental concept.

Artist Statement: The ticking of the clock, the passage of time seems equal, but for each individual, the perception and speed of time's passage for certain things are different. For you, how long does it take for a light novel to become old? How long does it take for a past relationship to become old? How long can a belief withstand the test of time? Everyone has their own romantic imagination of time. This creation aims to explore people's ideas about the flow of time, combining interactive devices to give each person a unique time landscape.

Live Interactive Installation